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How to Print on Stand Up Pouches- 3 Mainly Printing Ways

stand up pouches

Stand-up pouches make great packaging for a variety of products thanks to their versatility, convenience, and branding potential. When ordering custom printed stand-up pouches, you have several options for adding graphics, logos, and product information. This guide covers the pros and cons of digital printing, flexography printing, and rotogravure printing to help you determine the best method for your needs and budget.

1. Digital Printing

Digital printing utilizes a specialized digital printer to imprint images and designs directly onto stand-up pouches. It works well for small batch orders and offers vibrant, customized prints. The ability to easily stop the printing process also makes fixing errors simple. However, the equipment costs make it impractical for large runs.

2.Flexography Printing

Flexography printing uses an automated press with flexible rubber plates engraved with the desired graphics. The plates transfer water-based inks onto pouches fed through the press on a cylinder. Flexography works well for medium to large orders. It allows printing on various pouch materials safely and efficiently. But changing designs mid-run can be difficult.

3: Rotogravure Printing

Rotogravure Printing

Rotogravure printing imprints imagery engraved onto a copper cylinder as pouches pass through the press. It excels at delivering rich, durable prints even on huge pouch orders. The equipment does require a major upfront investment. Once running though, it offers an extremely efficient and high-volume printing solution.

Key Considerations

When deciding on a stand-up pouch printing method, first narrow options based on order size and budget constraints. Also secure inks and materials specifically intended for food contact when needed. And request samples before full production runs to confirm quality.


By understanding the capabilities of each printing technique, you can determine the ideal choice for your specific order volume, quality needs, and product characteristics. Partnering with an experienced pouch manufacturer guarantees access to the latest printing innovations as well.